Prospect Center by Thornton Ladd & John Kelsey (1965). Photo ©Darren Bradley |
This charming little seaside resort town is actually full of modernist office buildings. But the locals all seem to favor more traditional looks these days…
Photo ©Darren Bradley |
Photo ©Darren Bradley |
The Village of La Jolla. Prospect Center can be seen in the upper left, next to the tallest building in La Jolla (939 Coast). Photo ©Darren Bradley |
Location is hard to beat. Photo ©Darren Bradley |
I was only able to find one vintage photo of this building - taken shortly after construction, by the looks of it. I only just discovered this photo - months after taking my own shots that you see here…
Prospect Center in La Jolla, shortly after construction. (photographer unknown). |
Several people, including Bill Krisel, have told me that this B&W version above was more beneficial to the building than my recent color shot (above). And I completely agree. B&W always looks better, I think. It highlights the forms more nicely.
In this case, though, there's not a lot of difference between my shot and the older one, as far everything goes. Both were taken at roughly the same angle and at roughly the same time of day. But the shot above (the photographer is anonymous, but could be Shulman…) appears to have been taken during the summer because the sun is drawing a longer shadow on those brise-soleil windows boxes than my winter shot.
Really, the main difference between the two photos is that the older vintage shot shows a lot more contrast and less range, so darker shadows and less detail. It works well because it highlights the strong lines of the facade very well. To have some fun, I decided to try to duplicate the photo above.
I didn't have time to go reshoot. But no problem there; I have shots from a similar angle, anyway, from earlier this year. So I selected one from the same series as the color shot above, taken with the same woman but seconds earlier. So she's in roughly the same position as the woman in the vintage photo. Nothing I can do about the vegetation (I don't bring a weed whacker in my kit, but should start to). I can at least get rid of some handrails, trash cans, etc. Some of the stuff will have to stay. Here's the result:
I may be biased, but I think I prefer my version. Photo ©Darren Bradley |
Anyway, enough geeking out on arch. photography stuff. Back to the building. As I mentioned, it's location and view are a big part of the attraction…
Can't beat the view from inside the building, either. The helicopter was a lucky break. Photo ©Darren Bradley |
Photo ©Darren Bradley |
Photo ©Darren Bradley |
Photo ©Darren Bradley |
Hopefully, the white color and those boxes will be preserved. It'll be interesting to see what the condos look like. Somehow, I doubt they'll be in my price range.
Photo ©Darren Bradley |
Personally, I really like the design of this building and find it quite beautiful and striking. كم اسعار الخيام الاوروبية | اسعار الخيام الاوروبية
The photograph you can't identify I believe is by Wayne Thom. He photographed a lot of Ladd & Kelsey's work.
Good information.
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